Is evil instinctive?


Today, I woke up to disturbing news: a heinous crime that has shocked Saudi society. What made the crime even more horrific is that the victim was a child, and the perpetrator was a woman. Women are typically seen as kind and nurturing, especially towards children. However, this crime made me question the existence of evil in humans.

This topic is complex and nuanced, touching on many fields, but I will focus on the philosophical aspect. Philosophers have long debated the nature of evil. Some, like Thomas Hobbes, argued that humans are naturally selfish and prone to conflict, necessitating strong societal structures to curb these instincts. Others, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau, believed that humans are inherently good but corrupted by society.

William Golding, among others, wrote about evil. His novel Lord of the Flies explores the theme of evil and human nature. The story follows a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island who attempt to govern themselves. As they struggle to maintain order and civility, they descend into savagery and brutality, revealing the dark depths of human nature. Golding’s portrayal of evil suggests that it is inherent in all humans, waiting to be unleashed under certain circumstances. Through characters like Jack, who represents primal instincts and savagery, Golding illustrates how the veneer of civilization can quickly erode, giving way to cruelty and violence.

This crime serves as a stark reminder of the complexities of human nature. While philosophy and literature provide insights into the debate over whether evil is instinctive or influenced by society, what remains clear is the importance of addressing the underlying causes of such behaviors. By fostering mental health awareness, supporting strong community ties, and promoting values of empathy and compassion, we can work towards a society that mitigates the darker impulses of human nature and nurtures the inherent goodness within us all.


#evil #philosophy

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